AI-Powered Picking Module

Picking can be one of the most labour-intensive areas of the warehouse relying on manual processes much of the time.  Orquestr8 Pick is an AI-powered picking module that focuses on optimising manual picking tasks.    

The application takes a smart, multi-layered approach to streamlining your warehouse operations. It optimises pick tasks by intelligently grouping them, maximising container use, and planning the most efficient pick routes. This reduces walking time and boosts overall productivity, delivering faster and more accurate picking. 

A clear UI provides clear instructions and real-time updates.  Pickers are less likely to pick the wrong items or miss products in orders, improving overall fulfilment performance and customer satisfaction.  

We offer:

  • A 5 stage delivery model from quotation to testing to go-live 
  • 12 week deployment 
  • 3 tier support including 24/7 help desk, ticketing system and tailored support agreements 

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Learn more about Breathe’s picking software